Digicast's webcast platforms support Single Sign On (SSO) for both users (webcast organizers, speakers, technicians) as well as participants.
We accept the following protocols:
- OpenID Connect (preferred)
- SAML 2.0
OpenID Connect is preferable for large organizations with many users as it offers superior performance and better concurrency.
How to enable SSO
- Contact your Digicast representative to add this feature to your commercial agreement
- Provide the required information depending on the protocol you want to use to itops@digicast.ca
- Wait for approval
- Test with your credentials with our testing environment
Required information
OpenID Connect
To connect with Digicast via OIDC, it's preferable to create credentials for both testing and production environment. For each, we require:
- Client ID
- Client Secret
- Issuer (optional)
- Well known configuration URL for OIDC endpoints
Example of a "well known" configuration endpoint:
You must also configure the call back URLs depending on the environment:
Testing Environment* |
https://testing.icastpro.ca/oidc/callback https://devauth.digicast.ca/oauth2/idpresponse |
Production Environment |
https://www.icastpro.ca/oidc/callback https://auth.digicast.ca/oauth2/idpresponse |
* If only configuring a production environment, add the Testing Environment call back URLs to your production application in addition to the production call back URLS.
We also require the following scopes and claims:
Scopes |
openid profile |
Claims |
first_name given_name |
To connect with Digicast via SAML, it's preferable to create credentials for both testing and production environment. For each, we require:
- Well known Configurations (Provided through metadata document or endpoint URL. Generated by the identity provider)
You can configure the URLs depending on the environment:
Testing Environment
Assertion consumer endpoint | https://devauth.digicast.ca/saml2/idpresponse |
Audience URI / SP Entity ID | urn:amazon:cognito:sp:ca-central-1_tmP1wjtoK |
Production Environment
Assertion consumer endpoint | https://auth.digicast.ca/saml2/idpresponse |
Audience URI / SP Entity ID | urn:amazon:cognito:sp:ca-central-1_M5T1hPJMP |