This is to use along with a conference bridge with an SIP address formatted as [alias]
Country | International format | National format |
Canada (Montreal, QC) | +1 514 900 3499 | (514) 900-3499 |
Canada (Toll free) | +1 888 401 4991 | 1-888-401-4991 |
Finland | +358 75 3258036 | 07 5325 8036 |
France | +33 9 74 59 19 71 | 09 74 59 19 71 |
Germany | +49 1573 5991534 | 01573 5991534 |
India | +91 80 0040 1856 | 00080 0040 1856 |
Philippines | +63 2 8299 3794 | 2 8299 3794 |
Sweden |
+46 10 195 69 54
010 195 69 54
United Kingdom | +44 14 3830 0504 | 0143 830 0504 |
United States (Toll free) | +1 888 401 4991 | 1-888-401-4991 |